пятница, 28 октября 2016 г.

Про микропрактики составления расписаний - опыт SpaceX

Очень важная вещь из проекта SpaceX 'Various "off the shelf" project management methodologies and ways to estimate how long projects will take do not work for his team. It is important to set something up that works for your people and set of tasks, Rose said. They have tried various techniques for estimating time requirements, from wideband delphi to evidence-based scheduling and found that no te...chnique by itself works well for the group. Since they are software engineers, "we wrote our own tool", he said with a chuckle, that is a hybrid of several different techniques. There is "no silver bullet" for scheduling, and it is "unlikely you could pick up our method and apply it" to your domain. One hard lesson he learned is that once you have some success using a particular scheduling method, you "need to do a sales job" to show the engineers that it worked. That will make it work even better the next time because there will be more buy-in.'

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